exploring the caribbean island of st. vincent

I’ve been away for a little while as I try to adjust being back in my hometown but although I’m home I still have a bunch of stories to share with you all. Today, I want to bring you back to a quiet corner of the world in St. Vincent. A short walk from the highway, down a bumpy road and past a friendly goat eating his grass, you’ll come to the house of an artist. It was in this open-concept inspired home filled with colorful paintings and a porch that overlooked the ocean that we lived in for our last weekend on the island.
After four months of travel this house became my refuge and the place where I indulged in lazy days filled with tea and the occasional walk to the store or the beach. Journal and blog writing happened with the sound of the Atlantic Ocean as my background music and on one particular afternoon, we were introduced to a pool of sea water surrounded by rocks.
Our host for the weekend led the way, taking us to Brighton Salt Pond and then up and onwards through a trail above the sea, across a small field and into a cluster of rocky cliffs that held the pools of sea water. Sheltered from the larger ocean by the rocks, these pools of water were shallow and calm, perfect for lounging and sea-shell finding, which is exactly what we spent our time doing. Oh, and playing with the many hermit crabs that inhabited the pool. Here is our journey in photos.
Brighton Salt Pond Beach is one of St. Vincent’s black sand beaches due to the volcanic land. This beach was popular with the locals, with lots of children running in and out of the waves and loud music playing.
Below is the calm pool of water we eagerly made our way to.
The waves occasionally made it over the barrier, tossing us around for just a moment before settling back into a natural state of calm. We spent a few hours bathing in our secret pool before reluctantly pulling ourselves out of the water.