Emotions, Intentions and The Phases Of The Moon

It’s only been recently that I’ve started paying any attention to the moon and the significance that its phases can play in our daily lives. On any given day, I can feel emotions running deeply – from within myself and from others.
Right now, a lot of things are whirling around in my head and in my heart. There are so many emotions that I sometimes can’t think straight. Sometimes, it’s so forceful that I don’t know where to begin and I end up shutting them down to nothing rather than embracing them and using them for something positive.
At this moment of my life, my emotions are high – quite literally buzzing with such intensity I need to just close my eyes and breathe. I can feel big changes coming into play and, with that, big uncertainty. For the last 5 years, at least, I’ve had a general plan. A rough plan of how I wanted my life to pan out until this point, but a vague path nonetheless. I was focused on reaching goals – finishing university, paying off debt, traveling for a while.
And now, I’ve done all that. I knocked all those goals out of the park and am left with one last giant question: now what?
I haven’t got a bloody clue and it scares the shit out of me.
Now what is a question that makes me a bit sad. When I think now what I think it with a lot of negativity. I think it in the sense that I have done everything I wanted to do and to go back home to start again is like taking twenty steps backwards. So I have been actively rephrasing now what into what now?
What now offers a lot more hope and excitement, don’t you think? When I think what now I think about all of the new paths this next stage of my life can take me. And what an adventure that will be.
As luck – or shall we say the universe – would have it, everything about this transition in my life is lining up almost perfectly in sync with the cycle of the moon. Coincidence? Maybe. Fated? Who knows.
In just a few days the Full Moon will be upon us. Bright in the sky, this is when the moon is fully illuminated. Its energy is so strong that it effects the tides of the ocean and some believe that the Full Moon has enough transformative power to heighten and intensify our emotions.
For those of us who love constantly developing our minds and our lives and renewing and recommitting to our intentions and ambitions, we can use the phases of the moon as a guide in doing this.
The beauty of the moon is that it goes through the same phase every month. That is 12 months of opportunity a year to recommit, redesign, and reconsider the path that you’re on.
During the Full Moon – as well as two days before and two days after – things can feel a little crazy. The next Full Moon is on July 28th and I can certainly say that everything I have been feeling is already amplified. People joke about the Full Moon (weird things happening, strange feelings). How many times have you heard someone say “must be a full moon!” But rather than feeling disheveled and unbalanced, use the Full Moon to your advantage.
This is the perfect time to let things go that are no longer serving you. Release anything that has been holding you back – personal feelings, self-fulfilling beliefs that you have about yourself that put you in one narrow box, energy that you have been putting into people who don’t offer any back, whatever. Turn your attention from any negativity to positive and ambitious thoughts.
After the Full Moon, you’ll notice that it begins to grow smaller. This is the phase of the Waning Moon – it will go from being fully illuminated to a tiny sliver of the crescent moon. This is a great time for contemplating all of the areas of your life and sorting out what is working for you and what isn’t. Which of your intentions are being realized and what is no longer the priority that it was before?
The New Moon – when the moon disappears – is my favorite time. While I love being able to look at the moon, I love the power that the new moon has. It is FULL of potential and is the best time to start setting intentions.
As much as I can go with the flow and see where the wind takes me, I am a planner. I love to plan, to organize, to dream, to make lists, to set goals, to feel and be ambitious. And the New Moon is the perfect time to do all of these things.
The New Moon feels especially powerful to me right now because I’m in a big transition. The next New Moon lands on August 11th and at that time, I will be getting ready to fly back to Canada just a couple of days later.
(What did I tell you guys about my life lining up almost PERFECTLY will this moon cycle?! Do you believe in this stuff or do you all think I’m crazy?)
Set your intentions during the New Moon. Not sure what an intention is? It’s basically just another word for goals but it can also mean intentions of thought. Whether they are physically attainable goals you want to reach or goals of shifting your thoughts, perceptions and reactions to outside influences, this it the time to think about it. They can be simple goals or the biggest dreams you have for your life. During the New Moon, the possibilities are ENDLESS.
It can be important to solidify your intentions and my favorite way of doing this is by writing it down. I do this not only with my yearly intention setting during the New Year but also do this regularly from month to month (when I remember). The New Moon can be a great reminder to recommit to your intentions, new or old.
For myself, this New Moon is lining up right with when I end my continuous travels of the last 22 months of constant travel, adventure, and exploration, and begin a new chapter in a new city. For myself, this New Moon is all about diving deep into what I want out of my life from here on out, what my new path will be, where/in what direction I will be steering myself, and how to go about getting there. Travel will surely be a major focus in my life, I can’t imagine it another way, but also incorporating my new priorities of a sense of home, comfort and balance into my need for movement.
Do you use the phases of the moon to guide a spiritual practice or as an aid in manifesting/focusing/creating goals about what you want out of your life?