This past summer I had the opportunity to go back to the place I fell in love with in 2011, the Elephant Nature Park (ENP). During my return trip there, I met a woman named Jodi. Jodi is from the United States, where she used to work as a tattoo artist. For the last eight years, she has lived in a bamboo hut at ENP, married a Thai man and is now raising a son. This new life of hers is something that I can only dream of having. When she moved to the park she brought her tattoo equipment along with her and gladly tattoos volunteers who approach her. There are also quite a few mahouts walking around with tattoos of their elephants done by Jodi.
After lunch one afternoon, Jodi and I walked down the path to her home. Elephants and chickens graze and run freely around it and she was even nursing a baby bird back to health inside. Okay, so maybe not the most sanitary of places but I could not resist. Getting a tattoo of my favorite animal, in a hut, in one of my favorite places on Earth? How could I say no?
It took only five minutes of time, my foot propped up on a stool, before I had a perfect little elephant tattooed on my inner left ankle. A reminder of how much forgiveness these elephants are capable of to still trust humans, of how important forgiveness and gentleness is in our lives. A reminder of one of my personal favorite eles at the park, Jokia. A reminder that outside of this craziness that we call life, there is a place where time, money, and stress just don’t matter. A reminder of a place that changed my life and my perspective.
Below is another photo of a tattoo done by Jodi, on my friend Lauren who I volunteered with back in 2011. Hers is way more kickass than mine, I only wish I could pull that off:
Thinking about getting a tattoo abroad? There’s 6 questions you should be asking yourself first.
Soil and Thread
Just read your last post about Elephant Nature Park and am hoping to fit a volunteering project there into my travels. So great that you were able to go back and visit, sounds like a very inspiring place!
Soil and ThreadI’m glad you enjoyed it! I would definitely recommend it to anyone going to Thailand. It is a MUST on any trip there. I hope that you are able to visit and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.
Giselle and Cody
Hey Michelle, we just happened upon your blog browsing through tattoo art. We are good friends of Jodi and lived at enp for 6 months. We’ve been back about 4 or 5 times and are going back again in February and staying with Jodi. So glad you had the chance to get tattooed by her. We love Jokia too!
Take care!
Giselle and CodyHey Giselle and Cody!
I have been following your adventures and am always happy whenever I see that you are going back to ENP. It is definitely an easy place and lifestyle to fall in love with. Have a wonderful time 🙂
I love the tattoo! I’m heading to ENP in the spring, just for a day trip from Chiang Mai, but I’ve been thinking about commemorating each of my trips with a tattoo, which is how I found your blog.
Leigh ~campfiresandconcierges.com
LeighHi Leigh! So happy that you found yourself here. I hope ENP touches your heart as it’s touched mine, it’s a special place!