"I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery — air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "this is what it is to be happy."
My time in Ecuador was one of the highlights of my travels through South America and since I couldn't find very much information about the coastal towns, I decided to create one for anyone else wanting to explore this part of the world. This is it: a guide to the beach towns in Ecuador. My journey here was an impromptu decision and I knew very little about any of the stops along the way b[...]
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I credit my experiences out in the world for shaping me into the person I am today. The decision I made ten years ago to set off on a solo travel adventure shook my soul wide awake and that desire to explore, meet new people and experience other cultures has never faded.
This is a space for you to get inspired to follow your own path of discovery and create your own version of a life of bliss.

Despite being one of the world's most famous ancient sites, you can absolutely visit Machu Picchu on a budget. Hidden high within the Andes, the sheer size of Machu Picchu combined with architecture that would have been seemingly impossible in the times of the Inca civilization (particularly in its mountain-top location), is both beautiful and mysterious. It's no wonder why thousands of[...]
Solo travel hostel guide to europe
5 October 2021 -
Edmonton To Kelowna Road Trip Guide
30 September 2020 -
Barbados Self-Guided Coastal Drive
4 January 2019 -
How To Spend One Week in Ubud, Bali
5 August 2018 -
How To Spend a Week in Sydney
23 April 2018 -
The Quick Guide to Australia’s Great Ocean Road
4 February 2018
Where am I Now?

A relaxed village surrounded by the Balinese jungle - a place where time slows down and life adopts an easygoing vibe. After spending one week in Ubud, the town I had dreamed up was not quite the same as the Ubud I experienced. While you can still walk all of Ubud, it is not actually that small. While people are laid back and going with the flow, it is still chaotic. Walking[...]